Earnings Date
The Earnings Date indicator shows the date of the next earnings in the chart, on the one hand as a marker on the date bar and on the other hand as a date in an info box on the chart.
Chart View
The Earnings Date indicator displays the date of the next earnings in the chart, on the one hand on the date bar as a marker and on the other hand as a date in a window in the chart. The indicator changes color when the date has been confirmed and when only 7 or 3 days remain until the next earning.
The earnings date is first estimated, then confirmed for one month via our data provider, this happens once a day - so it can happen that a confirmed earnings date changes.
Background Intensity [0-255]: How intense the set colors are
Background Color [Color]: Background of the table (Default Gray)
Text Color [Color]: Color of the text (Default Dark Slate Gray)
Unconfirmed Text Color [Color]: Colour of the text when an earning is not yet confirmed (Default Dark Gray).
Attention Warning Color [Color]: The color 7 days before the Earnings date (Default Sandy Brown)
Critical Warning Color [Farbe]: The color 3 days before the Earnings date (Default Tomato)
Api Key [Key]: Is empty if no api key has been set yet, if the api key has already been set in at least one indicator, all others adopt this key.
Return Values
Earningsdate [Date]: the day on which the next earning takes place.
Days To Next Earning [Value]: How many days until next earning, -1 if in past and no new earnings date available yet
Last updated